Naya Raipur Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

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Content needs to be contributed by the authorized Content Manager from Groups/Divisions of Nava Raipur Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran (NRANVP) in a consistent fashion to maintain uniformity and to bring in standardization along with associated metadata and keywords.

In order that all contents posted on the website are authentic, up-to-date and latest, officers contributing the contents must check them thoroughly for authenticity and accuracy before sending the content to the Web Information Manager (WIM).

The general content links of the website are given below. Before sending new/revised contents to the Web Information Manager (WIM) for posting on the website, all officers/divisions should adopt the procedure as indicated in the table below relating to content contribution, moderation, and approval. The content on the portal goes through the entire life-cycle process of:

  • Creation
  • Modification
  • Approval
  • Moderation
  • Publishing
  • Expiry
  • Archival

Once the content is contributed it needs to be approved and moderated prior to being published on the Website.

"NRANVP" has prescribed the appropriate Moderator & Approver for each of the content elements.

Note: Currently, an approved copy of the content is received from the NRANVP through email and the same is published on the website by the CMS administrator.