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Integrated Drainage Infrastructure
Looking towards a cleaner and brighter future
The first smart city of India,Atal Nagar is being designed with a focus on sustainable environmental factors for a better living. Apart from strong architectural plans incorporated by ANVP, the drainage system of Atal Nagar includes the following approaches.
Infrastructure of Raipur’s drainage – Features
- Drainage Districts – The city area will be divided into 2 drainage districts, the southern zone and the northern zone. Each of them is proposed to have independent sewer network, pumping station and sewage treatment plan. Northern zone will cater for 40% of total sewage generated in the project area.>
- Pumping Stations Sewerage pumping stations will be installed for in-depth excavation to go beyond 6.5 m. This based on the Natural contour, further requires investigation to be made on general topography by intermediate pumping stations for efficient economic considerations
- Sewage Treatment This shall be done through Sewage Treatment Plant based on Activated Sludge process. 2 STP’S of total 155 MLD capacities has been proposed for Atal Nagar
- Storm Water Drainage ANVP has proposed construction of roadside drains and improvement of existing Natural streams channels or nallahs. The road side drains will be constructed on main arterial roads and secondary arterial roads having length of 100m and 60 m respectively
- Drainage Policies These policies include; developing storm water management system to avoid water logging within the city. It also recognizes the need for public ownership of smooth storm water operational practices such as rainwater harvesting. Finally comes the preparation and adoption of erosion and sediment control guidelines of the region
- PPP Model This Greenfield smart city shall have underground drainage system that will not cause any problem to major drainage channels. The solid waste management system will be based upon PPP model ensuring proper segregation of waste, separate disposal of hazardous bio-chemical wastes and lastly intensive tree plantation at disposal areas
By embracing an efficient drainage system of Atal Nagar and incorporating storm water runoff plans,Atal Nagar looks to strive towards its mission of attaining a clean and green city