Naya Raipur Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

Atal Nagar logo



ANVP, the official development authority of ANVP, visualizes providing an environment friendly, neatly planned city as its primary mission. In this effort, the city brings forth all latest amenities including accommodation, communication and a healthy lifestyle which stand as the backbone of a successful metropolitan.

Considering the implementation of these objectives, Atal Nagar currently stands as a role model for upcoming smart cities in India like Amravati (de facto capital of Andhra Pradesh).


Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran desires to see this upcoming state capital as the finest and most developed city of the sub-continent. In this respect, the development authority has brought to light the following plans as crucial inventories of the city’s impending long term success.

  • Establish Atal Nagar as the financial and economic nucleus of Chhattisgarh.
  • Develop the metropolis as a green field city with substantial covering of greenery.
  • A residential conglomerate that infuses futuristic developments while keeping intact its native inhabitants.
  • To provide state-of-the-art educational institutions aimed at eradicating illiteracy and providing the youth a prospect to acquire knowledge and attain success.
  • Create knowledgeable and skilled workforce for the manufacturing industries and prepare young India for the rapid-growing IT and Bio Technology sectors.
  • Provide its citizens, convenient and affordable access to world-class medical facilities.

So, following the trends of smart cities in India, ANVP or Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran procured its existence instigating the development of India’s first integrated smart city of its kind.