Naya Raipur Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

Atal Nagar logo

Atal Nagar provides world-class living condition, with easy access to public services for the residing communities.

Office Campus

Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran (ANVP) is planning agency of Atal Nagar. ANVP has continually worked towards making Atal Nagar the ideal smart city with several successful projects. The office complex has a thematic green campus with a visual connection between buildings through landscaped sunken courts.

Health Sector

Atal Nagar aims at becoming the ‘Health hub’ of India by providing a vast range of health services. They are working towards building Super specialty hospitals, Medical colleges, government hospitals and clinics.Health Institutes like Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Sankara Eye Care, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), BALCO Medical Centre are currently operational. Upcoming projects include child welfare, maternity centres, nursing homes and veterinary clinic.

Global Education Hub

Atal Nagar provides high quality education from pre-school to higher studies and research opportunities. It also administers aid for a smooth transition from education to employment. Educational institutions in Atal nagar include Hidayatullah National Law University, Indian Institute of Management, Kalinga University, Krishna Public School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, International Institute of Information Technology, Rawatputra Sarkar Institute of Technology. Some upcoming universities/schools are Amity School, AYUSH University, Jaipuria Institute of Management, DAV Public School and Delhi Public School.